This year however we're dodging the cold, and the alcohol and having cosy post christmas in front of the fire. Dad was delighted this morning to see me 'working'. 'Oh Soph's, you've got your laptop, are you working on something? doing your blog?'. er...
After perusing all the most important sales online - net-a-porter, asos, my-wardrobe, matches fashion, the Outnet, I have successfully managed to narrow my EXTREME urge down to one lovely ring. Behold:

It's an ilovelipstick box-ticking ring: YSL, gold, heart shaped, HUGE, swooon.
Then I didn't actually get it! This is very unlike me. This time last year I had a new pair of Camilla Skovgaard boots on their way plus a Markus Lupfer jumper. It's the £10 postage on just a little (lovely) ring, it's just not christmas spirit-y. Some things do change then...